A brief history
Formed in 2016, the Friends of St Pancras Arlington (FoSPA) has been established to support the maintenance, repair, and renovation to the fabric of our ancient Grade 1 listed church building and churchyard.
Believed to be on the site of an even earlier church, St Pancras is thought to be of Saxon origin, with additions and alterations through the centuries, that reflect our rich history. St Pancras nestles in the Low Weald village of Arlington, East Sussex, at the foot of the South Downs National Park.
This beautiful ancient Church has quietly watched over the community it serves for around 1000 years. The medieval settlement, the remains of which can be seen in the churchyard to the west of the Church, has long been abandoned.
Our challenge
We are a small parish, blessed by the presence of a wonderful and historic building — a symbol of stability in the midst of the community. However, with this great privilege comes the challenge of following in the footsteps of the generations before us, taking on the responsibility of maintaining it for future generations - an unbroken chain of stewardship working together to preserve a unique and beautiful building for us and others to enjoy, hopefully for the centuries ahead.
Our objectives
To help towards the cost of preserving the fabric of the building and any necessary improvements within the church and churchyard.
To forge closer links between the church and the village, ensuring that St Pancras can continue to serve the community for many years to come.
Your generous support will help us to achieve these objectives.
The objectives of the Friends’ Association are to help towards the cost of preserving the fabric of the building, and any necessary improvements. Day-to-day expenses will be met by the worshipping community and others who may elect to do so.
In addition to supporting the above objectives, it is envisaged that regular social and fundraising events will be organised by the Association—with a discount for members. Membership of the Association is open to anyone who shares our vision of preserving and maintaining our beautiful church, so that future generations can enjoy its place in our village and parish.
- You may wish to have the church available for family occasions and Festivals—e.g., weddings, funerals baptisms, Harvest Festivals and Christmas.
- You may see the church as a vital part of the rural scene and wish to see its continued existence, availability and use.
- You may like visiting the church, or have family ties with the parish, and enjoy its history and architecture.
We would be delighted if you would consider becoming a Friend of St Pancras Arlington, and invite you to complete and return the membership form
We suggest a minimum subscription of £25, per annum, though with individual circumstances any larger or smaller gift is most acceptable.
If you are a UK taxpayer, your subscription can be gift aided as well.
Chairman Jackie Appleton 01323 482429 jackie@appleton.me
Secretary Irene Flynn 01323 486062 ireneflynn@btinternet.com
Treasurer Mary Ann Harding
Fundraising Wendy Holmes
Ex officio/PCC Rev Shirley Pierce