We have two projects that we are actively working on at the present time.
- Reshingling of the Spire and repairs to the roof
- Upgrade to the current electricity supply to 3 phase
Reshingling of the Spire
We have accepted a quote from Polegate Roofing to carry out the complete reshingling of the spire in oak shingles. Replacing the current cedar shingles with oak should provide more resistance against the persistent attacks from the resident jackdaws.
Bats in the belfry have caused a delay to the start of these works! As we are in their hibernation season at the moment, we will be carrying out the surveys required to obtain a bat license in May 2023.
We are also continuing to fundraise and have put in an application to the National Heritage Lottery Fund, which hopefully will provide us with 90% of the funding. We await their decision.
Current costs include
- Polegate Roofing
- Surveys and bat licence
- Contingency
We are looking in the region of £110,000.00 to complete these works.
Given the delay to the full works, interim repairs were carried out on 10th October 2022 to repair the worst of the damage done by storm Eunice and the jackdaws, together with replacing missing tiles that allowed daylight to be seen from the Nave.
Upgrade of electricity supply
The existing supply is not sufficient to run any effective form of heating in the church. We have obtained a quote from Network Power to upgrade the supply and we are now seeking ground contractor prices to complete the ground works. Click here to see a map of the intended route of the new supply. We have been very mindful to respect the graves and memorials in the grounds, hence the curve of the route as it approaches the church.
We have already been granted £10,000.00 towards this project. Once we have final costs, we will apply for further funding to cover.
Current costs involve
- Network Power works
- Ground contactor works
- Archaeological services
- Faculty
- Architects’ fees