Meet some of the people who live or have lived in Arlington Village. Click on a link to read biography, interview or article...
Fiona Cane - author extraordinaire
Fiona Cane is a local writer and author of six books. She is unusual in that she writes across several genres – mystery, cosy mystery, psychological thriller, literary thriller and coming of age – but the one thing her books have in common is that they will keep you turning the page. Why not check out her website
Fiona was born and educated in Sussex. After graduating from Exeter University with a degree in Philosophy, she worked in London in film, tv and entertainment PR, before moving back to Sussex with her husband and young family. When she wasn’t coaching tennis or looking after her two children, she’d be busy scratching away at her latest novel.
Her most recent book, Angel Town, was released on June 16th and is available in Kindle and paperback at Amazon.
I built this car from scratch!
This spectacular car was the handywork of local resident Brian Smallcorn, who built it from scratch in his garage. When he began working on his dream car, he knew nothing about building a car, but with patience and perseverance he achieved the impossible. It took him ten years, but it’s now his pride and joy.
It all began with a visit to America in the 1980s to buy a kit car from a private dealer – but the model he was shown lacked style. The owner gave him a leaflet on how he built his own car from scratch. So on his return Brian bought an old Chevrolet, took the body off and started work on the bare chassis and the running gear. He bought an engine and gearbox from Chevrolet then, says Brian:
“I then purchased a written-off MG midget, cut it off forward of the windscreen and installed this on the chassis, giving me the basis of the body including a bulkhead windscreen, doors and boot lid”. He was lucky enough to meet an ex Rolls-Royce man who offered to build the wings and bonnet from aluminium. Brian then fashioned the bumper and all the chrome pieces and finally built the interior, including the seats, upholstery, carpets and dashboard. It was then sprayed in a lovely aqua two-tone colour and it was ready to rock and roll, with a top speed of 120mph.
But that’s not all the story.
Eight years ago, Brian built an electric mini version – an exact replica – for his grandson, who was four at the time, out of a mobility scooter! .. “I lengthened the chassis to give the car the same proportions as the full size car and then made the complete body out of fibreglass , made the interior including the dashboard and steering wheel and various chrome parts and fitted it all together.” He completed the car in 4 months.
Brian exhibits his impressive duo at Classic car meetings and exhibitions all over the country, and has won ‘Best in Show’ three times.
Bluebell Farmhouse kitchen
Michael & Philippa Vine have converted an old grain store on their farm into The Bluebell Farmhouse Kitchen in East Sussex.

Philippa and Michael Vine
The Bluebell Farmhouse Kitchen is located at Bates Green Farm (home of the famous Arlington Bluebell Walk for the last forty years).
Michael has been farming at his family’s 5th generation farm whilst Philippa, the cook, trained at Eastbourne College of Domestic Economy. She appeared on Masterchef in 2001 and was the cookery writer for Farmers’ Weekly for 12 years, championing locally produced and seasonal ingredients.