Arlington Scene, the village’s own newsletter, has been keeping residents informed of local events for over 30 years.
Arlington Scene started life in its present form in 1983, by Arlington resident Norman Cundell, and has evolved into a lively and informative monthly publication loved by everyone in the village and beyond - even keeping former residents in touch.
The current editor, Anne Hope, works closely with proprietors Wendy and Paul Holmes and the producer Pauline Jackson, at Underwood Farm where the magazine is printed at the beginning of each month. The distribution locally is carried out by a team of willing and helpful volunteers, who ensure that subscribers get their magazine on time.
All contributions are welcome by press date (usually the end of the third week in every month). To subscribe to Arlington Scene, or to advertise in its pages, please contact Pauline Jackson:
Arlington Scene is published at the beginning of every month. An annual subscription costs £12 if you live locally, or £20 for a copy by post, and runs for 12 issues from January to December.
Advertising Rates:
You could reach 200 households and a much larger readership by placing an ad in Arlington Scene.For just £25 pa extra, you could increase this with an ad on the village website.
Quarter page £35.00 pa or £3.75 pm for less than 12 insertions
Half page £65 pa or £6.00 pm for less than 12 insertions
Full page £98.00 pa or £10.50 pm for less than 12 insertions
Business card £20.00 pa or £10.00 for 6 issues
Loose insert £10.00 per issue
Sponsor a Colour
Front cover £10.00
For ads on these website pages, please contact